What to Expect from a Tong Ren Therapy Webcast

Tong Ren Therapy:

Tong Ren Therapy is an energy healing system developed as a therapy for healing a patient’s bio-energy, Tong Ren is an effective method for people with various ‘dis-eases’. The system is based on the philosophy that at the root of any ailment is an obstruction of bio-energy. Tong Ren relieves this blockage and increases the flow. The system has shown clinically effective and reproducible results. Over 90% of treated patients reported improvement, some of them with remarkable results.

What you may Experience from a Tong Ren Session
Boost and Revitalization

Increased overall energy, a boost in vitality and less lethargy.
Calmness and Clarity
Increased mental clarity, better focus, calmness, less anxiety and daily stress.
Shed and Lose
Increased metabolism, which may result in a loss of weight, toxins flushing out of your system and a balance in your management of eating habits and addictions.
Release and Heal
The release of blockages that are the cause of chronic disease, pain or critical illness.

Your Role
Your Tong Ren Therapists will stimulate the blockages points. She/he will not diagnose conditions. She/he will instead work with what information you or your caregivers provide. How, the energy moves, and the blockages are released is up to you. “All healing is self-healing.” Each person does their own healing done in their own time frame. You didn’t get this way overnight. Allow the healing process to unfold the same way.

To Support Your Healing Process:
For the Session:

  •         Relax – do nothing.
  •         Focus on Slow, Deep, Relaxed Breathing.
  •         Get out of your head.
  •         Let go of expectations.
  •         Be open to the process.
  •         Rest after the session.
  •         Stay hydrated.
Kathy Wilson
Healing Nexus | www.healingnexus.com
416-225-3612 | 617-334-9432